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YearnDoll: A Trending New Sex Doll Brand in Japan

A few days ago, a new sex doll brand, YearnDoll, magically appeared and quickly made their way onto several Japanese vendor websites. Similar to when Shedoll appeared out of nowhere or when every Japanese vendor added “Tyofye” at the same time, Yearndoll is now sweeping their way into the Japanese market.

So what exactly is YearnDoll and who’s behind it? Firstly, random new brands pop up all the time (I ignore most of them), but this one seems interesting. Yearndoll makes silicone sex dolls and currently has 4 bodies (148cm-163cm) and 10 heads. Similar to JK Doll, they built up a decent catalog before officially launching. As of now, I don’t have all the details, but they’re made in China with heavy Japanese-inspiration and marketing. For now, let me show you what some of their dolls look like.

Note: I omitted the head names due to translation issues.

162cm Body + Head Y1

163cm Body + Head Y2

162cm Body + Head Y3​

158cm Body + Head Y3

163cm Body + Head Y4

148cm Body + Head Y7

158cm Body + Head Y8

158cm Body + Head Y10

Some YearnDoll Videos

158cm Body with Head Y3
158cm Body with Head Y8
Head Y10 with 158cm Body
163cm Body with Head Y2

As you can see, they make a wide variety of silicone dolls – tall, short, thick, & slim – all with a Japanese-look. Although they’re new, their photography is unsurprisingly excellent. It’s 2023, which means every brand has good photography now, and hire mostly the same photographers. Their dolls are all quite attractive, but fairly standard – nothing particularly unique. The heights, weights, options, and prices are all relatively similar to other brands. Just another brand to choose from I guess. Like all new brands, they have no reviews, and currently no Western vendor carries them. I guess we’ll wait and see where they go. Will they be the next Shedoll (zero to hero in 6-8 months) or remain hidden and obscure like Bezyla? Only time will tell.

You can find Yearndoll at the reputable vendors: Kumadoll and Rosemarydoll.

Thoughts on the new YearnDoll brand? Comment below!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Dennis

    Jep, look at the 162/63 body. Looks for me like the JY 162 silicone body. I keep an eye on them. I hope they get more mature faces.

  2. ItsAme

    CosDoll has been making lots of posts about it on Twitter and tagging both brands on the same post so I’d think they are related and while these all look really good, CosDoll also has great looking dolls in the promos but then on factory photos it’s a bit disappointing but I’m looking forward to seeing more of these. That 158cm Body + Head Y8 is just missing the smile and she’s just like Rena from MLW lol, not that I’m complaining, I really liked the Y4 here because of that.


      Hi ItsAme,
      I indeed discovered them from Cosdoll. Cosdoll is a bit weird. I remember a knockoff brand called Cosdoll a long time ago, but I don’t know if it’s the same company. It looks like they make original silicone heads/bodies now with a focus in the Japanese marketplace. Their website also sells other brands like Zelex (Waxdoll and AXB). Maybe they’re all made at Zelex, who knows.. their factory looks like it could be Zelex or Aiersha. Anyway, I don’t know much about Cosdoll. If they are the same knockoff brand I saw years ago, I wouldn’t be too surprised if their quality/factory photos aren’t great since they’re a cheaper brand.


    I’m still figuring out their factory. Solid green floors like Zelex, but probably not Zelex. Hmm…
    Why does this factory look so familiar?
    I think it’s Aiersha, the factory that makes JY Doll. (That’s my best guess atm)

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