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Shedoll Innovates, Yuna Mini Doll, Tayu, & More News

‘Twas the night after Christmas, which means it’s time for more sex doll news. Hopefully, everyone enjoyed their Christmas and winter holidays. Although there wasn’t much news this week, there were definitely some interesting photos and releases. This includes SHEDOLL’s new 148cm body with innovative features, as well as some new heads from other brands. Christmas-themed photos have officially come to an end (with one final set). Without further ado, here’s the After-Christmas special of sex doll news.

Angel Kiss

Angel Kiss released a new head called LS #33 on their 157cm F-cup. Most of their recent heads were Asian, so this Western head is a change of pace. It certainly looks interesting with the puckered lips.

SE Doll

SE Doll showed off their TPE 163cm Renata (Head #69) in a steampunk-style outfit. She looks pretty good, and the overall photo colors match very well.


SHEDOLL revealed their updated 148cm silicone body with several new upgrades. These photos show the added details to the hands, feet, and knees.

SHEDOLL also shared 2 videos showcasing the new features of the body. In the first video, the main upgrades include:

  1. Thicker thighs for more balanced/realistic proportions.
  2. No “gaping vagina” when spreading the legs.
  3. Articulated areas like the elbows don’t deform.
  4. Increased body detail & fine lines (new body makeup).

I didn’t bother adding subtitles to the next video because the translations didn’t make sense. Basically, he says the weight reduction doesn’t affect the softness (can’t 100% tell from the video though). He squeezes the breasts a lot to show that it’s not connected/affected by the weight reduction.

Overall, the upgrades were very impressive. The “vagina gaping” fix is probably the most innovative, although it’s not the first time I’ve seen it. I assume they created a body mold with the legs already spread to achieve it. For some reason, the vagina hole looks very small in the video (not sure if it’s a side effect of their method). The other upgrades are nice too, with weight reduction being something most brands still can’t get right (in terms of softness). Hopefully, more brands continue improving their bodies like this rather than abandoning their old designs. 

Elsa Babe

Elsa Babe released a new 102 cm head called Irie Yuna. As the name and costume suggests, she’s based on Final Fantasy X’s Yuna. It somewhat resembles her, but at the same time not really. Still, it makes for an interesting mini doll. Elsa Babe has been releasing more video game-inspired heads lately so this wasn’t unexpected.


TAYU shared 3 new photosets. First, they released a new photoset of their most popular doll, the 148cm Naimei. This is the same photographer XYcolo uses so I almost thought it was XYcolo at first.

Next, their other photographer, Mishka Valentino, took more photos of the 161cm F-cup Nika and Peach. Both heads have oral function, and look lovely in these different wig styles.


Zelex shared some final Christmas photos featuring their flagship Inspiration Series dolls. They’re very alluring and well-posed in these sex doll Christmas cards.

That wraps up the After-Christmas edition of sex doll news. There were a few sprinkles of new releases and photosets here and there. Zelex also released Heads GE100 and GE109 a few days ago, which I made a separate post about to show all the photos. Otherwise, it was an average week of news with SHEDOLL’s new 148cm body taking the spotlight. They were also the brand that came up with the fast hair implantation technique. Hopefully, more brands continue innovating and improving their dolls. Once one popular brand starts the process, other brands will follow. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed their winter holidays. The next time we meet, it’ll be 2023 so Happy New Years!

Thoughts on December’s 3rd week of sex doll news? Comment below!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Ron

    What other brands has already done the “no gape” method before Shedoll? Do you know which models?


      Hi Ron,
      RealDoll had the “no gape” design for a long time. I’m not sure if any other brands have it, but most don’t. Some brands/models are worse than others, but generally most doll vaginas will gape to some extent when spreading the legs.

  2. Jackson

    Will you make any sex doll news blogs in January 2023 or will you wait until March?


      Hi Jackson,
      I’ll continue writing a news post every week as long as there’s still news. There probably won’t be any news for a few weeks during Chinese New Year though (starting January 22). However, most factories will be back up in early-mid February.


          I believe I mentioned this before. I think they should fix or improve many existing features before creating new ones. This includes better quality skeletons, LHP (love hole placement), weight reduction (without compromising softness), heating system, cleaning system, articulated toes, and maybe more permanent makeup/details and implanted hair. Anything that makes the doll feel more realistic is a good thing. Many people also want an oral cavity that goes downward which probably isn’t possible due to the neck bolt. There’s still a lot to improve on. Right now, many brands are trying to add in robotics before perfecting the “foundation.”

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