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Sex Dolls at the 2021 Shanghai Adult Care (ADC) Expo

The 2021 Shanghai Adult-Care (ADC) Expo is took place in Shanghai, China on April 16-18, 2021. The popular, yearly expo drew in sex toy enthusiasts and business people from around the world to check out the newest adult toys ranging from dildos and masturbators to full-sized sex dolls. Many top sex doll brands you know and love were there featuring their products and newest creations. Sex doll brands included Doll Forever (including Doll Forever, Doll House 168, and Piper Doll), WM Doll, SE Doll, Irontech, Starpery, Sanhui, Gynoid, and much more. Here are some of the highlights from the 3-day annual expo.

Note: This post features many videos from Twitter. They may take a while to load.

Doll Forever



WM Doll & SE Doll


JY Doll

Gynoid Tech

TAYU (Art Doll)

CST Doll (BBdoll)

Zelex (AXB Doll & WAXDoll)

Elsa Babe


That wraps up the 18th annual 2021 Shanghai ADC Expo. Many photos are courtesy of Doll to China and MyRobotDoll. WM Doll stole the show on Day 1 with their gigantic-breast doll out on display for anyone to touch. Most brands showcased their existing dolls but the main spotlight was TPE brands displaying their new silicone dolls, such as Irontech, JY Doll, and AXB, which shows a general trend toward high-end silicone dolls. Elsa Babe got a lot of attention with their new anthropomorphic animal and anime dolls. Not much robotics were seen except for early-development prototypes from Bezlya. Surprisingly, some top brands such as DS Doll and Sino Doll did not show up. Overall, it was a successful event and brought a lot of exposure to newer brands such as TAYU and Elsa Babe.

Thoughts on the 2021 Shanghai ADC Expo? Comment below!

Special thanks to Dollto-China, MyRobotDoll, and 快楽園-dolls.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Taneras


    Any idea what Sanhui model is shown in the middle of those three videos? The platinum-haired doll in the white lingerie.

    I’m guessing it has gel breast implants?


      Hi Taneras,
      Ah, these older posts remind me why I changed my video formats. If the Twitter account disappears, the videos are forever gone. Unfortunately, I don’t follow Sanhui much. If I were to guess, I would say it’s the [edit: removed my poor guess] but I’m not really sure. Most silicone dolls have gel breasts by default so it probably has gel breasts.

      1. Taneras


        Thanks for taking a swing at that one, I know it was a tough pitch. You’re doing God’s work my friend 🙂


          Actually, my first guess was completely wrong. I noticed she has a seamless neck so she’s one of the All-in-one models, but something is off about her face. If you go here ( and select the AIO tab, there are very few possibilities. It’s 145cm with either Head #4, 5, or 7, but the face looks different in the video.

  2. Daniel

    Beautiful dolls! I just started looking for one, looks like I made the decision at the right time. When will those JY Dolls be available?


      Hi Daniel,
      I believe all those JY Dolls are already available for sale. It depends whether the vendor has listed them or not. If not, you can contact the vendor and ask them to list the doll you want.

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