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Sex Doll News: Top-Cydoll, Anime Dolls, Latina Heads, & More

Officially one month since brands returned from CNY, things have been remarkably active. Will March keep up the pace? So far, the answer is surprisingly yes. This week, sex doll brands remained fresh and focused, as they released several new heads and photosets. This includes much variety from TOP-CYDOLL, Yearndoll, Yue Doll, and more. Without further ado, let’s round up another hot week of sex doll news.

SE Doll

SE Doll released their previously-teased Maya head (from their CNY photos). While I’m not a huge fan of the bright blue eyes, I really like her design. I also prefer her more-natural look (with brown hair), but the anime schoolgirl theme is pretty cool.

➤ CNY Maya

They also shared new photos of their T160cm Bridget. Nice photography here as well.

Elsa Babe

Per usual, Elsa Babe released yet another anime head, Akasaka Kaori. With droopy elf ears and a gentle smile, I quite like her. She fits well with the light colors and fantasy theme.


Gynoid shared new photos of their Model 21 Deluxe (164cm) Elsa, who looks realistic and beautiful in this lavish setting. Courtesy of 矮大紧的我, I like the casual style and posing here.


In their latest magazine issue (which is just an advertisement), Zelex revealed a partnership with UPKO, who makes BDSM and bondage stuff. I wonder what this partnership involves – custom doll clothing and accessories, or just upsale and photography? I guess time will tell.


Lusandy shared new photos of their recent Maya, this time on the 170cm body. With brunette hair and a new look, she’s perfect for the taller and bustier body.


Meanwhile, the other recent brand, TOP-CYDOLL, returned with 2 new heads. Starting with Miko, whose anime-inspired wig creates a rather unique look.

They also released a new head called Celeste. With icy blue hair, she’s also pretty, though quite similar to one of Starpery’s heads (which isn’t surprising as they’re Starpery’s original factory).


Speaking of Starpery, they teased a new Asian head called Qingwen on their 171D body. With a new photographer, this is one of their better photosets in a while. The vibrant colors complement this head very well.

Galatea Doll

Their first release of 2025, Galatea Doll released a new Latina-inspired Head JS108. Latina heads have been trending, and I think she looks pretty good. While this isn’t my favorite body, it suits her well.

They also shared sci-fi-themed photos of their JS136 head on the same body. A simple, but unique photoshoot.


Making their return, Yearndoll released 2 new heads this week. Starting with Head Y234, she has a classic cute Asian face on the 163cm body.

The head above also comes with their “openable & closable eyes” option, which creates some cute winks. Seems on-par with XT Doll’s last week.

Next is Head Y235, which I think is pretty cute too. She has a cutesy “foreigner in Japan” vibe.

Yue Doll

Yue Doll unveiled their latest AIO silicone doll: the 140cm KeXin. One of the few brands still making AIO dolls, this is their shortest one thus far. At 23 kg (51 lbs), she’s pretty cute, and I assume has their deep-throat and oral-to-anal cleaning features.

➤ Videos

Firefly Diary

Firefly Diary shared some new photosets, but I’ll just show one of them: their hybrid 158cm Liuli (silicone head + S-TPE body) in a maid outfit. Liuli’s cuteness strikes again.

SY Doll

SY Doll returned with some interesting photos, featuring 2 hybrid dolls. Starting with the recent silicone Head 316 + latest TPE 160cm body as a skimpy maid, this is a pretty nice combo.

Speaking of combos, the new McDonald’s combo meal (TPE 148cm body + silicone M19 head) is here. I like the funny fast food theme, but unlike the 160cm body above, this is a super old body. They made it work though.

Random Anime Wrap-up


This week, a new anime doll brand called H-Doll began teasing their dolls. Very similar to Sankaku Doll aesthetically, their upcoming silicone dolls range from 88cm-135cm tall. They appear connected to Butterfly Doll, Sankaku, and Siliko Doll based on Twitter interactions (I’m guessing their designer has worked with those brands). Looks like another anime mini-doll brand, though they also have a 135cm body.


After much silence, Irokebijin re-emerged to tease their upcoming chubby 120cm S-TPE body. They only showed the back so far, but I guess the “chubby” or fat trend is taking off.

Irokebijin Doll S TPE 120cm Chubby Body

Sino Doll

Last but not least, KD-Doll shared some photos of Sino Doll’s most-recent S143 body (Natural Breasts) with Head S55 Linlan. These are the first “customer photos” I’ve seen so I thought it was worth sharing. Maybe I’m not used to seeing anime dolls in a home setting, but it looks kind of trippy to me.


That wraps up another lively week of sex doll news. Newer brands like Lusandy and TOP-CYDOLL remained incredibly active, but older brands like SE Doll and Elsa Babe are always around. Overall, there was definitely an anime and cutesy trend this week, including TOP-CYDOLL’s use of anime-style wigs. Elsa Babe, Yearndoll, and Yue Doll’s heads were all very cute, and Starpery’s latest head may be a comeback for them. Meanwhile, Latina heads are also trending as seen with Gynoid, Lusandy, and Galatea Doll. Something for everyone again with more black dolls coming soon (Fanreal and TOP-CYDOLL), and possibly fat dolls? A lot of unexpected variety so far in 2025 for better or worse. As always, stay tuned for the latest in quirky sex doll news!

Is March off to a strong start or the niche variety wasn’t your style? Comment below!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. IconOkee

    I like how top cydoll vaginas are not wide open even when the thighs are spread.


      Interesting, I never noticed that until now. You’re right. It doesn’t gape much on the 168cm body, or the 157cm body. Slight gape on the other ones but not as bad as other brands. Pretty cool, and each body’s vagina looks different too.

  2. Rebel Drifter

    I’m lovin it! (get it?)


      Yes 🙂

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