On October 2, 2020, Mizuwali, owner of Piper Doll, revealed the much anticipated Silicone Ariel doll. According to his tweet, she will be 150cm tall (10cm taller than the TPE version), and will have larger breasts. He also stated that the Silicone Jessica and Silicone Ariel will both launch at the same time, so that should be soon.
A lot of people wanted her silicone version to be 150cm tall, and it looks like they got what they wanted. This gorgeous new doll will be a lot of people’s wishlist.
— Mizuwali (@Mizuwali) October 2, 2020
Ariel S 150cmhttps://t.co/TjQvCwq30w#Ariel2020 pic.twitter.com/QNo5tqZLNC
A user on Twitter asked Mizuwali about uncoming Piper Doll features and Mizuwali hinted that they will have hardened palms and feet for standing feet without bolts. Mizuwali’s translated response: “Functions that will be launched in the near future. Hardened palms and feet. No screws are needed for standing after the feet are hardened.”
近期將會推出的功能 手掌及足部加硬,足部加硬後站立不需要用螺絲
— Mizuwali (@Mizuwali) October 2, 2020
More information coming soon!
What are your thoughts on the new Ariel doll? Are you excited? Comment below!