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New Sex Dolls, Sucking Mouth, Zelex Heads, Photosets, & More

After a slow start of the month, things began heating up this week – right on time for summer. This week, sex doll brands released many new heads and photosets, including the newest innovation: sucking mouth. I think a few people saw that coming. Meanwhile, other brands tried new things like “oral structure and moveable jaw,” and weight reduction. Without further ado, let’s climb this week’s mountain of sex doll news.

Angel Kiss

Angel Kiss shared a new photoset of their 164cm body with Head #23. At first glance, these exquisite photos look super beautiful. However, with the AI trend popping up in promo photos, these appear AI-altered or at least, heavily photoshopped to me. Promo photos have always been deceptive, but some brands are taking it even further now.

For those wondering about the softness of Angel Kiss dolls, they shared this video that may answer your question. It looks relatively firm, but not too hard. Definitely needs some softness add-ons though.

SE Doll

SE Doll shared a new photoset of their 161cm Samantha. It’s nice to see them returning to their Elven roots lately, and these fantasy-themed photos don’t disappoint.

Funwest Doll

After months of reusing the same heads, Funwest Doll finally released a new head called Alice. She has a very cute face, and looks pretty in these musical photos.


After many hybrid doll promotions, Irontech returned to full silicone with 2 new photosets. First is the 164cm Hedy in a sexy rabbit costume.

Next, their S3 Rose head returns on the 164cm body. I haven’t seen this smiling head in over a year, and she looks more mature than I remembered. She has a very cute smile though.

Elsa Babe

Elsa Babe released a new head called Kat Baccarin. She looks quite pretty and model-like with fancy braids (which don’t come with the doll).


Zelex released 2 new heads, Heads GE118 and GE124. First, Head GE124 has an interesting, mature Asian face with plump lips. While she won’t appeal to everyone, this sculpt looks very realistic.

Next, they released Head GE118 on their rarely seen 155cm body. The head is very pretty with a slightly more fantasy look, and fits well with the shorter body.


Jiusheng released a new head and body: the hybrid 155F Aki. She looks fairly cute, although perhaps a bit generic. The TPE body looks busty and well-proportioned, and in total, weighs 33.3 kg (73.4 lbs).


MLW began offering heads with oral structure and moveable jaw. While most brands offer this feature with soft silicone heads, MLW also has it in hard silicone. These heads are hard silicone on the outside, but soft silicone in the mouth. This allows for implanted hair but also the softness of the “oral cavity.”

FU Doll

FU Doll teased 2 new silicone bodies (148cm and 156cm). While there aren’t any promo or clear photos yet, their emphasis was on the weight reduction. The 148cm body weighs 20 kg (44 lbs), while the 156cm weighs 32 kg (70.5 lbs). It’s unclear why the 156cm weighs so much more (maybe it’s a thicker body). Excited, they shared many videos of employees lifting the 148cm body.


Cosdoll unveiled their latest innovation: the sucking mouth. Similar to the external sucking vagina, it uses the same pink device that many brands adopted. I don’t know if Cosdoll created it, but they were the first to introduce it in the past, then later Zelex and Starpery had it. The video demonstrates where you plug it in, its suction ability, and the moaning feature on the external speaker. Expect to see more brands release this feature soon.


Sanhui released a new silicone 168cm body, showcased with Head #26. This new body is fairly busty and fit, and weighs 35 kg (77 lbs).

Climax Doll

Climax Doll released a new head and body in their Ultra series. The 157cm Lilian features an interesting cat-like face with puckered lips, and a plumper body with love handles. Definitely an intriguing, silicone BBW doll that isn’t as large as Starpery’s, but still weighs 46.5 kg (102.5 lbs).


XYcolo released a new head with oral structure and movable jaw called Airla. She has the classic upturned eyebrows and surprised look (which many brands with this feature have). Still, she looks significantly better than their previous Nana head which had this feature.


Jarliet released a new head called Cassie on their 160cm body. She looks fairly sexy as Jarliet continues expanding their affordable silicone lineup.


That wraps up a fairly packed week of news as things begin heating up. Similar to last week, brands continued trying new things this week. Last week was implanted hair and makeup. This week, brands worked on moveable jaws, sucking mouths, and weight reduction. I’d expect brands like Zelex and Starpery to release the sucking mouth next (with that pink device). While it’s not the innovation many were hoping for, it’s more-or-less in the right direction as far as robotics goes. Although I think they should be working on things like quality control, weight reduction + softness, and LHP instead of sucking mouths, innovation comes at a cost. Anyway, hopefully next week will be equally as exciting. As always, stay tuned for more sex doll news.

Thoughts on this jam-packed week of news? Comment below!

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. flow

    Are Hybrid Dolls safe? Is it safe to mix Silicone and TPE ? I thought the two melt each other?

    1. Jackson

      Yes my friend hybrid dolls are safe. But by hybrid they mean a Silicone Head and TPE body.


      Hi flow,
      If a brand offers a silicone head with TPE body option, then it’s probably safe. HOWEVER, you should find out how or why it’s safe. This is still something I have to research.
      As you said, silicone and TPE generally don’t mix, otherwise they will melt/destroy each other. However, manufacturers discovered a way to create hybrid dolls (silicone head + TPE body). Many people, including myself, assumed they created a blend of silicone and TPE that don’t react with each other. However, this was just an assumption, and not fact.
      A few months ago, someone told me that the way MLW does it is they have a chemical coating between the head and body that prevents the reaction. Over time, that coating could disappear, and then what? In other words, they didn’t create silicone and TPE blends that don’t react with each other; they created a coating between the two materials to prevent contact.
      Do other brands also do this as well? Do non-reacting blends actually exist? I don’t know. I actually need to find out myself so this is a very good question.

      1. flow

        I have some IT silicone heads, and TPE bodies, once i had a the a silicone heads dolls chin, resting on the tpe bodies chest, (so the neck was bend down a lot) … but less then 5 mins and i notices oil/liquid around the point of contact, matching the size of the chin. I removed it, and didn’t notice any lasting damage, but never really mixed the materials again. So it confuses me when i see brands selling hybrids because my melting situation was with tpe and silicone from the same brand. the exposure wasn’t enough for me to definitively say mixing the two is an issue, but i dont understand why its even being offered.


          Basically, brands offer hybrid dolls as a “best of both worlds” (realistic head with soft body). However, it’s clearly a flawed concept since silicone and TPE shouldn’t mix. Thanks for the info regarding the Irontech hybrids. If a gooey or wet substance starts to form, there’s definitely a reaction going on. What this tells me is most brands don’t have non-reacting TPE and silicone blends. They simply use a coating to prevent contact.
          As long as the coating works, brands will continue selling hybrid dolls without a care. Unfortunately, that’s the sad reality.

  2. Jack

    Hi, I would like to ask if cosdoll is rifrano doll? Or are they two brands?


      Hi Jack,
      Yes, I determined that Cosdoll is related to Rifrano/Lifanou in one of my Yearndoll posts (comment section here).

  3. Stephan

    I think the most interesting innovation this week is the composite silcone heads by MLW. They are using harder silicone shell so one can have implanted hair, with a soft ROS mouth for nice blow jobs. Its a great idea, and I think others will follow in time.

  4. Brad

    The video with the sucking demonstration, and speaker box making audio is such a miss I’m puzzled as to why they presented it. As others have noted, the functionality of the mouth doesn’t look very impressive. Plus, the audio coming from the speaker REALLY doesn’t line up with the activity the doll is doing.
    I’m glad companies are still trying to innovate, but there’s a difference between “we got it working” and “This is a feature that improves our product.”

  5. David

    In my opinion, the functionality of “the sucking mouth” is somewhat underwhelming. The sucking speed is too slow, and the doll’s head doesn’t move actively like a human’s. Its only purpose might be to arouse your desires and get you excited.

    1. Arnold

      It also will destroy the make-up even more and faster then already doing facef*ck without sucking mouth.

  6. IconOkee

    I’m pathetic enough to make out with my doll and not use its mouth but that sucking mouth might make me wanna facefuck my doll.

    1. Jackson

      It’s all good! To each its own!!!

    2. Kar

      bolder people, dolls exist in order to be yourself with them)

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