You are currently viewing New Photos of Elsa Babe’s Anthropomorphic Bunny Doll

New Photos of Elsa Babe’s Anthropomorphic Bunny Doll

On June 25, 2021, Elsa Babe released new photos of their anthropomorphic (“furry”) bunny sex doll named Aida Rina. While she’s not everyone’s cup of tea, it’s interesting to see unique and innovative dolls. Aida Rina was first revealed at the 2021 Shanghai ADC Expo and has been for sale for a while now. She is, unfortunately, not as popular as Morikawa Yuki, Elsa Babe’s first furry doll with the cat head, but maybe this new photoset will boost her popularity. She looks great in this new photoshoot featuring a blonde wig and white underwear, although most people still find the silicone whiskers/fur on the side of her face weird. It’s certainly unique and different.

Elsa Babe 150cm ZHB002 Aida Rina

This cute bunny doll is one of the only few “furry” anthropomorphic sex dolls that exist (Not including the plushie ones). Big props to Elsa Babe for taking a chance in designing unique dolls even if it’s only for a very niche market. With Elsa Babe’s recent announcement of faster production times, now might be the best time to order an Elsa Babe.

You can find Elsa Babe dolls at the Elsa Babe Official WebsiteDollto-China, and MyRobotDoll.

Thoughts on Elsa Babe’s newest photoshoot of their bunny head doll? Comment below!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. James

    Anthropomorphic androids dream fantasy.
    James from the eighty first century 👉🔮👈.

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