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New Anime Sex Dolls, Real Lady R4, SLE Implanted Hair, & More

After a hot and eventful summer, things finally began to cool down. Much quieter this week, anime dolls were back in the spotlight as Irokebijin and Elsa Babe kept things rolling. In contrast, more realistic brands like Real Lady, Zelex, and Sino Doll had some new releases as well. It was a mixed bag (that was only half full), but still worth seeing. Without further ado, let’s see what little bit of news came out this week.

Returning to their roots, SE Doll shared new photos of their TPE 161cm Luis (elf), basking in Mother Nature. Personally, I like these photos a lot. Dolls usually look good in nature, and the elf theme fits too.

After launching a new head and body last week, Real Lady returned with another head: R4 Amber (on the 170cm body). Personally, I like her more than Bonnie (R2), and she reminds me of Zelex’s style.

Sino Doll returned with yet another new head (S51 Lincheng) for their recent Soft-Max S159 body. While I like the theme, Sino’s heads look really similar lately and hard to tell apart (at least for me). Nothing wrong with more options though.

Zelex launched 9 “Hair-Transplanted Heads” – basically their SLE heads with implanted hair. As you know, implanted hair requires a harder head (to prevent shedding) which conflicts with “soft silicone” heads (that have oral or ROS). Therefore, they developed something called “three-layer scalp structure” and new hair implantation techniques to allow for implanted hair – I’m guessing they made part of the head harder. Definitely interesting for those who want implanted hair. Also, these are the standard hairstyles for each head and can’t be changed.

Piper Doll released their 150cm Ariel in S-TPE. Like the 160cm Akira, I believe this is the Affordable (ECO) Version from the silicone mold. Maybe it’s just the makeup, but she looks slightly different like the Akira did.

Mishka – one of Piper Doll’s photographers since the beginning – teased a new photoset of the S-TPE 160cm Scarlett. With professional photography and makeup, she looks noticeably better and more realistic than Mizuwali’s original photos, but of course, the doll won’t look like this from the factory. While Mizuwali’s photos are more accurate, it’s cool to see her in an almost completely different way.

Meanwhile, Irokebijin released a new silicone (HSS) 160cm body and Azuka head. She looks like a mix between Akane and Shiori, and this is their tallest silicone body thus far, weighing 28.5 kg (63 lbs).

They also showcased Azuka on their 148cm body, dressed as Asuma Toki from Blue Archive – maybe that was her inspiration. Additionally, they also released a new head called Kana, inspired by Blue Archive’s Karin.

Last, they showcased their recent S-TPE heads like Anna, Aiko, Koharu, etc, on the larger 155cm body. It shows how their “big” heads are able to fit on every-size body.

In the battle of anime, Elsa Babe teased their first-ever male doll. Male anime dolls are extremely rare (I think this is the 2nd one I’ve ever seen) so this is interesting and looks pretty good.

They also shared new photosets of their 148cm Watanabe Yuna (dressed as Genshin Impact’s Fischl), Niwa Yui, and Takizawa Kanna. It shows just how versatile Elsa Babe dolls are for cosplay (and how good they are at dressing up their dolls).


Starpery shared 2 new photosets of their silicone 167cm Mira and 171cm Nina. Two lovely and elegant photoshoots.

Funwest Doll

Funwest Doll shared a new photoset of their silicone 168cm Skylar. She looks pretty hot, and dolls with guns seem to be a growing photography trend.

Firefly Diary released a new S-TPE 158cm E-cup body. It’s their first TPE body, and supposedly S-TPE (according to Kumadoll). They featured the silicone heads Liuli and Jiuchuan (which might actually be Liuli) on this body for an interesting hybrid combination. They weigh 32 kg (70.5 lbs).


That wraps up a relatively short week of news. Not much came out this week, other than anime dolls and some random other things. I personally like Real Lady’s new Amber head, but wonder why they showed her on the old 170cm body rather than the new 162cm one. Zelex’s new implanted hair seems like a nice addition. Although they make it sound like it’s less-prone to shedding, only time will tell whether that’s true or not. I’m also eager to see Mishka’s upcoming Piper Doll Scarlett photoset, which looks really good. Anyway, it was a short week as brands take a breather; well technically, they’re always working behind-the-scenes so there are no actual breaks. Hopefully, things pick up next week. Until then!

Thoughts on the end of summer’s short week of news? Comment below!

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. logjammin

    Nice roundup.

    The piper 150 has lovely hips and ass, but is sabatoged by it’s horrible LHP. The 160 has a more realistic body and very nice, a balanced looking bod, which is not the norm in the doll industry. Hopefully they didnt drop the ball on LHP on that one too.

    The zelex 209 is a cute looking face, and more natural than most of their others, which are quite weird looking. Another plus is seeing the 208 head (one of their best IMO) on a taller body, because the 153 it debuted on recently is way too small for such a long face.

    Wow, The sino 159 has rocking hips , butt and legs. Their softmax is said to be the pinnacle of doll experience, and i wanted to seriously consider one….Unfortunately the breasts looks totally disgusting and completely turns me off . If they offered this one with normal breast size, like D at most, id buy it, given the amazing promo theyre running… O well, i guess im ordering something else.

  2. magnus

    Thanks for all your work keeping us updated BESTSEXDOLLS! 🙂 The firefly diary body sculpts looks so great (They are associated with Irontech right? I actually think that Irontech has some of the most amazing body sculpts) I also wonder if their STPE bodies are produced by the irontech factory then? If you could keep us updated if there can be confirmation that that material is indeed STPE that’ll be great!
    Also, how are the Irontech TPE doll quality these days. I read on forums that there are skeleton failures from them (both silicone/and TPE).

  3. Richard

    Wow, an anime DUDE.

  4. Adam

    Even in a short week of News, your blog is amazing.


      No problem. Although there wasn’t much news, it’s good to stay up-to-date. 🙂

  5. Jackson

    Zelex hair transplant feature is interesting. Such a shame that we can’t change the hair style though. That blond 166K had such amazing tits!!!

    Starpery Mira looked like a duchess. But that asian Nina is sexy asf though!!!

    Thanks for the post this week!


      Yeah, unfortunately you can’t change the hairstyle, which isn’t unexpected. SLE is Zelex’s mass-production series. To keep low prices, they mass-produce their heads and bodies and ship them to their warehouses – all in-stock with no real customization options. Not surprising that you can’t change the implanted hair since they’re not made-on-order.

      1. Jackson

        Makes sense! Probably would have to ask them to build one from scratch. Which is expensive as hell!!!

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