After running a sex doll store for a year, I learned a lot about top sex doll brands and manufacturers. This includes recognizing and identifying dolls, specifications, customization options, and more. However, there’s always more to learn. Since then, I continued to learn and write about about sex dolls for another 5+ years, eagerly following the news and reading doll reviews. I think it’s safe to say I know a lot about sex dolls! After years of learning and gathering information, I’ve become quite knowledgeable on doll news and updates, determining whether a vendor is legit or not, and general information about brands and factories. Although my focus is primarily on news now (rather than reviews), feel free to comment below and ask me anything!
If your question is more personal or confidential, you can email me at [email protected].
If you’re looking for a trustworthy store to order from, here’s my list of trusted sex doll vendors: Trusted Sex Doll Websites
Any opinions on Rosemary Doll? The only site in your recommended list that carries Jiusheng is MyRobotDoll and their website issues have me hesitant to order from then atm.
Love the site, keep up the great work!
MyRobotDoll should be fine to order from, but as you mentioned, parts of their website are still WIP right now. Personally, I like Rosemarydoll though their reviews are a bit mixed. While I’ve never had problems with them, I see some negative reviews every now and then. I think they’re mostly positive with some outliers, so ultimately, it’s up to you. Their customer service seems quicker and more casual than other vendors, but how they resolve certain issues may be a bit inconsistent (sometimes they go out of their way and sometimes they don’t).
Hi BESTSEXDOLLS. Appreciate your continued updates on the doll industry. In your news items, you have shared from time to time that some of the doll manufacturers share the same factories with other brands, which explains why there is a similarity between them. Quick question on this topic, does Top Fire Doll shared the same factory with some of the other brands as well, for example, Zelex, SY Doll, or even WM? Thank you
Unfortunately, I don’t know which factory Top Fire Doll is made in. They’re related to a brand called Orange In, and I would guess a “cheaper brand” factory like SY or Rifrano, but I really don’t know. It’s not Zelex or Jinsan.
There are some photos and videos of their factory here (they have 1 floor of a building) but I can’t really identify anything:
Unfortunately, that’s all I know.
Thanks for the follow up, BESTSEXDOLLS. No worries. Went through your many blog posts and saw the connection you made with Orange In, Cosdoll, Yearndoll, JY Doll, and even having similar photograpy with SY Doll. It’s quite a rabbit hole to jump into.
I have a question to If Is safe to buy from. Thanks
First, thank you for your site. I find it extremely informative, I come here often. I need your help. Recently I had ordered my first silicon doll from Rosemary Dolls. Great customer service and received the doll as promised. She is a beautiful Fanreal 158cm C cup with Della head. She is my second doll, my first being a TPE of unkown make. Ironically or not, that TPE felt the best and was the perfect in prone position, my favorite. The Fanreal is pretty much impossible in any position but missionary. I ordered gel butt and it honestly is impossible to tell. She is way too firm from what I was hoping. Can you recommend a doll known to be favorable in the prone and doggy positions with a softness as well? Note on love holes; I am a fan of the softness of fleshlight. I clearly appreciate the detail of the Fanreal, would be great for photography. Tayu looked interesting, the new western looking piper models 160cm b cup S-TPE, or Zelex SLE? Looking forward to your recommendations. Not sure if I trust silicon anymore due to firmness.
I was wondering if you could shed some light into why bezlya isn’t advertised on western vendor’s webpages. When I asked a vendor about it they stated that sino doll won’t let them. Do you have any idea why?
From my understanding, Bezlya has always been self-reliant and never depended on vendors. Their vendors always had extremely outdated catalogs, suggesting that Bezlya doesn’t send them anything. However, about a year or more ago, Kumadoll removed Bezlya (and I noticed many vendors also removed Bezlya). I can’t reveal what Kumadoll told me, but it was vague and they didn’t go into the details.
Now that you mentioned Sino Doll, perhaps they have some drama with Bezlya, which actually relates to the vague thing Kumadoll mentioned. I only know of 2 EU vendors that carry Bezlya, and interestingly, neither of them carry Sino Doll. I think you’re onto something, and now I’m curious as well..
Yeah allegedly it has to do with copyright issues, but neither company’s dolls look the same to one another but copyright law has never stopped Chinese companies from copying eachother. Lowkey I wanna ask my vendor to elaborate more
There has always been drama between brands, where one brand claims that the other copied their designs. As you said, legally they can’t do anything, so they give ultimatums to vendors (to choose one or the other) or do shady things behind-the-scenes..
Anyway, it didn’t take long to find the answer on Bezlya’s discord. Sounds like you’re right although this is only one side of the story:
can you do a comparison of all Tifa dolls in the market?
keep up your good work 🙂
I’m about to purchase my 1st sex doll. Just double checking that silicone lovers is a legitimate and trusted website. I know to steer clear of xndoll and ebay.
Yes, they’re legit. They’re on my trusted vendors list.
wanted to ask, if you know anything about the crossaint doll brand that makes anime dolls?
Apparently they got a ALM option that is better then s-tpe?!
Would be great, if you could dig up something or present them in your blog.
Hi. I showed them once before here:
However, I don’t know much about them, and haven’t followed them much. It’s hard to find info on them since they’re not on any forums or social media besides Twitter.. I also don’t know what ALM is. :/
Hi !
Anyone has experience with one of these dolls?
I’m searching for a easy to maintain and robust travel companion- should fit into a suitcase. Maybe you can give a feedback or recommend another model.
Hi BESTSEXDOLLS and everybody out there
You know
Is it a safe site to buy from? Looks good to me but….
Thanks for your reply
Have a nice evening
They might be, but I’ve never been a big fan of them. Some of their in-stock dolls are knockoffs (like the 100cm WM Doll photos). Depending on which doll you’re looking at, there are probably safer and more reputable options out there.
Asking about 140cm AXB Dolls. Have asked The Doll Channel, but no reply. I can’t tell if he is even alive.
Question for me: is ordering a 140cm doll from AXB safe?
Thank you!
I answered this before. It should be safe to order from them directly. Looking back at the comments here, the feedback is actually a bit mixed. Here are some examples:
Edit: oh, if you meant is it safe legally, it depends on your country/state’s laws.
I have ordered there lately a head with delivery to UPS station for pickup.
Good service for coordination and correct product.
So tell me again about Rickey and The Doll Channel. Could he bring in AXB 140cm.dolls? I’ve asked to no reply…
His email responses are slow sometimes. Usually, it’s better to call him, and he should be able to get any doll. He had to remove a lot of listings due to his payment processor. Or you can try ordering from AXB directly ( Several people told me here that had good experiences with AXB directly, but that’s only what I heard.
What about Nianta dolls? They seems to be cheap, having also wonderful artwork on their heads and now a website NiantaStore. But nowhere any customers or testers opinion…
I looked at their website and I wouldn’t consider them trustworthy. No brand names and knockoff dolls in-stock (like the WM photos). Some of the pricing seems right for the various “brands” (like Climax, Orange In, Yearndoll, etc), but again, they don’t list the brand name, which is a huge red flag. The customization options on every doll is the same (even though the photos are from different brands), including Zelex SLE dolls which shouldn’t have customization options. Basically, too many red flags, no reviews, and there are safer places to order from. There’s no reason to risk your money on them..
If you were stuck in a room for 1 year and could bring any single doll, which one would you choose?
Obligatory answer:
But seriously, I can’t answer this since there are so many new brands that I want to try. Sino’s Soft-Max, Tayu, Yue Doll, and even Doll Senior. If Piper Doll could get their act together, it’d be them.. Otherwise, no good answer from me sadly.. everyone has their own personal preference. I still haven’t found the right one for me yet. Mainly because I prefer seamless neck..
all thumbs up. Awesome website and blog which keeps me updated, always. However, this time I stumbled upon a Doll Manufacturer I never heard of before nor could find on your website: I am wondering if that brand is legit?
I just found it on p..nhub where the Doll maker released a couple of videos in recent weeks. On TicToc you will find quite a bit more vids of their manufacturing process etc.datin back to summer.
Just couldn´t believe how realistic many of the dolls looked in the videos (western and asian faces) – putting even Zelex etc. in their place in my opinion.
Their safety assurance CE (Europe) and PTC (US) certification is from summer this year. I virtually couldn´t find anywhere on the internet apart from the two sources mentioned above. Maybe one can’t find anything about the manufacturer because it’s new on the market? If he is legit I would be interested in the quality – I am happy to volunteer as a tester in Europe. Do you know more about this brand and can you help with information? Many thanks in advance. Thor
Hi Thor,
I don’t know if that website is legit or not, but unknown vendors are always high risk in my opinion. Luckily, this is a vendor, and not a manufacturer. They carry a few different brands, but the most prominent one I see is Aizhimei (also known as Dime Doll). I wouldn’t say that they’re more realistic than Zelex, but they do have nice photography (see here for expo photos They’re a cheaper brand with almost no reviews so I can’t say much about them. Not many vendors carry them either. The most reputable vendor that carries them is Siliconwives. Kanadoll also carries them with a huge price difference, which I don’t fully understand, but they’re definitely a cheaper brand (with unknown quality).
hello I am from Belgium I am looking for mature women regardless of nationality – can you help me please? I thank you in advance
Bonjour ou puis-je trouver le tête des poupée Normon Eve ? Je vous remercie d’avance Patrick belguim
Hi Patrick,
Not many vendors carry Normon Doll. I think ordering directly from them might be ok.
Love your website … has become better source of info the TDF. One problem that I have run into is on this very page “Ask Me Anything” … the “previous” link down in the lower left corner does NOT function as it should. When clicked it merely goes back to the start of the current page (this page). Nothing earlier than the latest set of posts will come up. Please have your webmaster/maintainer look into this, as I and probably many others, would appreciate being able to read earlier posts.
FYI I am using an iPad and Duck Duck Go browser to access website.
Hi Rick,
Thanks for letting me know. I had this problem before but it was fixed with an update. Unfortunately, it looks like it’s broken again..
Until it’s fixed, the only solution is to enter by the link: (count down from 11, so previous page would be 10).
Sorry about that and thanks again for bringing it up.
The problem is fixed for now although it’s still a little wonky. Thanks again.
Just checked out the link and all seems fine and dandy. Thank you!
With weight reduction available why don’t brands create 175-180cm dolls with round forms not super thin? Are there still challenges with folks like these or there’s no market in Asia for such height?
Although some brands have made tall and thick dolls (like Evas Doll 176cm), it’s probably a combination of many different reasons, such as:
1. Weight reduction still isn’t the greatest so most bigger dolls are still too heavy. Also, weight reduction usually makes dolls firmer. Starpery 4.0 and Tayu are headed in the right direction (in terms of lighter and softer), but that’s only 2 brands.
2. Beauty standards are different in Asia (and brands try to appeal to as many ppl as possible).
3. Possible shipping weight and size issues.
4. Possible storage/space issues (in the factory) or more difficult to handle.
Probably other reasons as well, but I think the biggest is still #1. When most brands create a BBW doll, they make it noticeably shorter to balance the weight. Since most people avoid heavier dolls nowadays, it isn’t the greatest decision for them to pursue tall/thick dolls, mainly since weight reduction isn’t quite there yet.
So it’s not going to happen anytime soon if ever. Sad, I wish there was a doll closer to my height.
Thank you for the information.
Is Cocadoll a valid website?
i ask because they are the only ones who seems to sell butterfly dolls 138 cm doll
Hi Joe,
If you remember the Doll Forever vs Butterfly Doll “drama” from a few months ago, it actually escalated recently. Previously, some vendors (mainly Japanese/Asian vendors) carried both Irokebijin and Butterfly Doll, but were finally forced to choose one or the other. Ultimately, this resulted in many vendors dropping Butterfly Doll.
Anyway, here’s what I said about Cocadoll before:
Basically, it’s hard to tell whether they’re legit or not (very unknown vendor), but the “stolen” Coca-cola logo isn’t a good sign lol.. For Butterfly Doll, I’d probably suggest just ordering from them directly instead of from an unknown vendor. Not sure how to order directly from Butterfly Doll though but their website is
Any info on I have picked out a doll but. Can’t find any info searching
Out of curiosity, how did you find Pidoll because someone asked about them before, but they don’t appear in Google search at all. I’d be hesitant to trust them since there’s no info on them at all. Depending on which doll you chose, there are probably better options/websites out there. In addition to some knockoff WM/JY dolls and AI photos from SY Doll, I would consider them risky.
Thanks. Ok it was a pop up banner on another site, not sure which one now.
Thanks for the help
Pidoll and xndoll are the same vendor. Cannot trust them.
Hello BESTSEXDOLLS, could you check this site they claim to be legit nordic vendors in EU , they seems to be somewhat legit to me, but i dunno.
From what I can tell, they’re most likely legit. TDF-approved, brand authorization certificates, updated catalog, and everything looks correct. However, I don’t have any personal experience with them (and I don’t live in the EU).
Je le connais bien j’ai déjà acheté plusieurs poupée mais les dernières on mis 4 mois pour arriver ! Attention
Is there a sex doll store that allows you to pay in monthly installments? That’d be helpful so your wallet isn’t gouged in the eye.
I’ve been trying to look into a 160cm Kitagawa doll I saw from Mozudolls, but I am not sure if the website I found is their direct website and if its trusty. I am concerned to use this one since most places like reddit suggest Mozudolls from other more reliable sites.
Interesting. I saw XY Doll promoting that doll recently (at least in Asia), so it’s odd to see her under Mozu Doll. I’d suggest going through a vendor like MyRobotDoll or Kumadoll for better customer service, but you’ll probably have to ask them to add the doll. I don’t know what Mozu Doll’s customer service is like directly. They don’t really promote or advertise in the West.